Episode Archives

Ep 17 – Your Guide To Personal Leadership with Sandy Hessler

Personal leadership is the ability and determination to grow internally. It’s the actions you take to connect to who you truly are and consciously show up in your values and in integrity. Like the daily grind of a Stoic, this is to be applied as a practice rather than an expectation to fully exemplify each…

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Ep 16 – The 4 Branding Tips You Need with Mark Schaefer

There is no better time to know how to build a personal brand than now. Branding, marketing, and business strategy expert Mark Schaefer shares the 4 things that all successful personal brands do.  As a business consultant and everyone’s go-to for marketing advice, Mark has been asked by many entrepreneurs and businesses about the science…

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Ep 15 – Finding Your True Inspiration with Well-Known Designer Abigail Lorick

Abigail Lorick lives a life that is well-connected to her inner voice. She grew up surfing off Amelia Island, Florida and doctoring up her school uniforms as a kid. Now, as Co-Founder and Creative Director for Ansea the timeless lifestyle brand for women who love the water, she’s able to perfectly blend her childhood passions:…

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Ep 14 – Challenge Fear & Find Flow with World-Class Skier Lynsey Dyer

What does it take to ski off a 65 ft. cliff in the back country of Jackson Hole? Lynsey Dyer, one of the best big mountain skiers in the world, explains the motivation and mindset needed to accomplish so many feats in the male-dominated industry of extreme sports. At 16, she won the Junior Olympics…

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Ep 13 – Become An Eco Warrior With Giana Korth

Dipping your toes into an eco-friendly way of life? Or are you ready to go deeper in your eco-friendly buying habits? Save 20% on your first 2-month order of Tampon Tribe with code TORCH. Giana Korth, Founding Member of Tampon Tribe, walks us through the incredibly important facts of why, as women, we need to…

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Ep 12 – Designer Drops Business To Go All-In On Covid-19 Support with Gelareh Mizrahi

As the world continues to ebb through the pits of uncertainty, successful handbag designer Gelareh Mizrahi takes matters into her own hands. She quickly put a hold on her fashion business to focus all of her time and effort to raise money for PPEs (personal protective equipment) that she is distributing to doctors, other medical…

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Ep 11 – The One Word That Will Change Your Life with Jenni Wendell

Have you experienced anxiety or burnout? Do you want to connect to your true purpose? Ready to manifest and create a better life?  Jenni Wendell shares her years of insight and life experience that has led her to build a successful career in yoga. As the owner of yoga studios and a 160-acre retreat space…

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Ep 10 – Finding Joy After Losing A Child with Natalie Pizarro

How do you move forward in the world after experiencing the worst – losing a child? Natalie Pizarro shares her deeply personal and moving experience of losing her first daughter Sabrina who was just shy of turning two years old. Natalie is very candid about the day that is forever burned in her memory, and…

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Ep 9 – Tackle Anxiety and Depression with Natalie Pizarro

Are you going through a hard time? Do you or someone close to you have severe anxiety, depression or other mental issues? This episode covers an FDA-approved treatment that is administered intravenously; it’s called Ketamine. Natalie Pizarro is the Director of Marketing and Sales at the Ketamine Health Centers. She shares her incredibly moving story…

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Ep 8 – Real Stories From Italy’s Coronavirus Lockdown With Local Nadia Koski

Nadia Koski is an American expat who has been a Florentine resident for 15 years. She and I became close friends when I lived in Florence from 2011 to 2014. Along with her Florentine husband Matteo and adorable Jack Russell named Gilberto, she has been on Coronavirus Lockdown in Italy since Saturday, March 7th. They…

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