Ep 14 – Challenge Fear & Find Flow with World-Class Skier Lynsey Dyer

Lynsey Dyer world class athlete

What does it take to ski off a 65 ft. cliff in the back country of Jackson Hole? Lynsey Dyer, one of the best big mountain skiers in the world, explains the motivation and mindset needed to accomplish so many feats in the male-dominated industry of extreme sports.

At 16, she won the Junior Olympics in Downhill Skiing, and soon after leaned into a life of back country freestyle skiing where rules were meant to be bent and broken. She’s charged down fresh powder winning titles at the Freeride World Tour and was named Skier-of-The-Year multiple times.

Lynsey Dyer best big mountain skier

Featured on major networks and TV shows – check. Heli-skiing – check. Spoke at TEDTalks – check. Starred in several ski movies – check. Magazine covers – check.

For those unfamiliar with the ski world, Lynsey’s other accomplishments range from running a business, leading heli-skiing trips around the world, and directing/producing the first and only all-female ski movie called Pretty Face. The film empowers women and girls alike through the love of sport and community. 

As a woman, everything can be discounted. What can’t be discounted is what you do. It can’t be taken away from you. It’s indisputable. — Lynsey Dyer

Things we cover in this episode:

  • Her proudest ski moment
  • Terrifying avalanche story
  • Connecting with your feminine
  • Using fear and disappointment as a motivator
  • Tackling a male dominated world
  • Improving her mindset through the power of visualization, meditation, and transformational breathing
  • Her most recent interest in Revolution in Motion
  • Lynsey’s morning routine to get her mind and body right
  • The power of surrender
  • Complicated female friendships
  • Reduce limiting beliefs
  • Her interview with Alex Honnold of Free Solo
  • How she works with top sponsors


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