Personal leadership is the ability and determination to grow internally. It’s the actions you take to connect to who you truly are and consciously show up in your values and in integrity. Like the daily grind of a Stoic, this is to be applied as a practice rather than an expectation to fully exemplify each hour, each day. We all falter, but having a north star in the shape of our values and principles can help guide us. This makes all the difference in how we experience the world and in how others experience us.
Sandy Hessler is a steward of personal leadership. For the last six years, she has been teaching leadership and entrepreneurial courses at the Start-Up Institute which she co-founded in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. She also runs her own app Six Minutes Daily that helps set your day up by giving you space to connect to your purpose, set an intention, and acknowledge what you are grateful for.
We cover the hardship of having anxious leaders, how we can asses our values, and cultivate a better life for ourselves and our teams. She asks us questions to reflect upon to set us up for success. External factors like a certain title can only do so much, so get ready to look at your life in a new way – a beautiful way that will open more doors to sustainable success.
Here is a quick roundup of Sandy’s professional experience. Her career started in brand management at Procter & Gamble fresh out of Northwestern University. She co-founded Imagitas that sold for over $265 Million. She taught at Tufts University and was the Assistant Dean at Harvard’s Kennedy School running the career services and internship office. She has done significant leadership, teamwork, fundraising and strategy training with past clients like NASA and General Motors. She has advanced degrees from Harvard, Miami of Ohio, and the University of Santa Monica. Plus, she’s a mom of five and is known to snowboard down the mountains of Jackson Hole, which has been home since leaving Boston over six years ago.
“If people look through a lens of fear VS a lens of potential – you’ll see a very different perspective of what’s possible.” — Sandy Hessler
Things we cover in this episode:
- How her free app, Six Minutes Daily, helps you set the tone for how you show up in the world
- The importance of good habits that keep you grounded and focused
- Life changing questions you need to ask yourself
- Dealing with imposture syndrome
- How to find your values and stick to them
- The number one advice for anyone who’s had difficult bosses
- How trust makes or breaks teams
- How Sandy handles her nerves and fears
- Building a strong leadership foundation
- Contact Sandy via email
- Learn more about Sandy, her courses, and app at
- Download the Six Minutes Daily app on iOS
Personal Leadership Books
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
- Shift Happens: How to Live an Inspired Life by Robert Holden Ph.D.
- Essentialism: The Disciplines Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown
- Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. by Brené Brown
- Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert
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