Ep 30 – What I Learned From 30 Episodes

TIana Madera founder of Torch podcast hostWow, we made it to 30! That’s 30 episodes more than if I never started podcasting, and that’s 30 opportunities to connect with you.

Podcasting has brought me so many amazing opportunities that I wanted to share them with you in case you needed a nudge to start your own podcast or any other project. Because of Torch, I’ve met so many incredible people, some of which I’ve grown to be friends with. It has also given me the chance to improve my communication skills and confidence in many ways. 

In this episode I break down two big topics:
1) What I learned from podcasting 
2) What I learned from my most memorable interviews

It was incredibly difficult to narrow down a list of my top interviews! I took out my journal and started writing what came to mind. These 6 guests were the first that came to mind for different reasons, so listen in to ep30 as I call out the main lessons from each.

  1. ep 11 The One Word That Will Change Your Life with Jenni Wendell
  2. ep 12 Designer Drops Business To Go All-In On Covid-19 Support with Gelareh Mizrahi
  3. ep 15 Finding Your True Inspiration with Well-Known Designer Abigail Lorick
  4. ep 16 The 4 Branding Tips You Need with Mark Schaefer
  5. ep 17 Your Guide To Personal Leadership with Sandy Hessler
  6. ep 29 Being An Ally, Where To Start with Dahlia Ferlito

I like numbers, so let me break down some numbers for you:

  • I thought about podcasting for 2 years before buying the equipment and starting
  • 6 interviews were completed before launch
  • 2/12/20 was launch date!
  • 23 total guests
  • 15 guests I never knew before
  • 7 guests I’ve known for years
  • 1 male guest, so far
  • 4 solo episodes

Thanks again for listening. Torch has just started, so I can’t wait to see what comes from the next 30.

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New to Torch? Check out my mission and why I created a leadership podcast.

Tiana out