Ep 1 – Welcome to Torch Podcast

Welcome to episode one of Torch!

In this first episode (YAY!), I share my vision for Torch and what leadership means to me in a broad sense. Leadership does not only represent a specific corporate role or someone who owns their own business. A leader is so much more than that. It’s the way you lead your own life that determines what type of leader you are for yourself and for those around you. How you lead affects not just co-workers or those you may manage, but your friends and family.

I’ve experienced great leaders in my life, and very poor leaders. Guess what? I’ve been both! We tend to learn what NOT to do from the poor leaders. The great leaders are the ones we gravitate towards, the ones we find ourselves following willingly. There is a strong sense of pride when working for or with a great leader. Torch will dive into what makes many types of leaders and help you create your own path towards being the leader you seek in your life.

“Every time you have to speak, you are auditioning for leadership.” — James Humes

I’m incredibly curious about leadership and how far and wide it ranges in topics, such as how we speak, what our good/bad habits are, how we deal with fear and pain, how we cope, how we love, how we organize tasks, how we see the world, etc. All of these things affect how we deal with the outside world, in effect determining our ability to lead.

Torch’s goal is to reveal the endless ways you can look at yourself and make micro adjustments in how you think and how you do things that can make an impact in your life and those around you. This goes for me too, since I’m always learning, a constant WIP (work in progress).

So, how can you improve your leadership skills to be a great leader your yourself and others? Subscribe to Torch Podcast and find out!

Sign up to get your FREE DOWNLOAD of the Top 3 Leadership Characteristics

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Things I cover in this episode:

  • The concept of leadership and the different forms it takes
  • Types of interview guests that will be on Torch
  • Why I left a great corporate position… and moved to LA!
  • Lessons from past jobs that I was able to translate into future opportunities
  • My professional background and experience as a poor and strong leader

Thank you for listening and don’t forget to download your free Torch document, 3 Top Leadership Characteristics by filling out the above form. It is a helpful and quick read on three importance characteristics that you can work on today in order to improve your leadership skills in your everyday life.

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Tiana out